
Woman sitting at a table outdoors and wearing a Victorian costume.
Participating in community events.
Man showing a map to guests in the entrance of the museum.
Offering guided tours.
Two women sit around looms.
Sharing skills.
A woman shows children the historic kitchen.
School tour docent.

If you enjoy working with people and are interested in sharing Vancouver’s history, we have a volunteer opportunity for you!

Roedde House Museum is run as a threefold facility:

– A bilingual museum with guided tours, including an active school program,
– An intimate community venue for music and other entertainment,
– A rental facility for small weddings and receptions.

Roedde House volunteers are asked to commit to 8-16 hours per month. Join our volunteer staff to lead individual or group tours. Our audience ranges from children to seniors, local and international. You can also choose to help host our special events (concerts, theatre, fashion shows, wedding rentals etc). 

No historical background or knowledge necessary. All training is provided.

Knowledge of the French language is beneficial but not essential. We welcome any additional language skills.

Please email coordinator@roeddehouse.org for more information on this opportunity.