The WILL to Give
Roedde House Preservation Society invites you to consider creating a legacy in your Will through a bequest or other planned gift to our Museum. Such gifts help to ensure our ability to present heritage exhibits and programs reflecting the early history of Vancouver for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations.
A future gift can be designed to suit your particular interests and preferences. You may enjoy significant tax savings in providing such a benefit.
Restricted gift: You can direct your gift to an area closest to your heart, for example, to the curation of special exhibitions, the sponsorship of classical or jazz concerts, or Sunday Tea and Tours.
Unrestricted gift: Your future gift may be designated for the Museum to use at its discretion to finance its greatest needs at the time.
Endowment: You may choose to establish an endowment, in your name or in memory of a loved one. The capital will be preserved, while the income will provide support in perpetuity. The income may be restricted or unrestricted in its designation.
A staff or board member will be pleased to assist you in arranging a future gift that best meets your wishes. Please contact