While Roedde House is increasingly dependent on donations to cover yearly operating expenses, an opportunity has been established for donors interested in long-term support of our Museum. The late Cydney Rae Holcomb was the great-granddaughter of Gustav and Matilda Roedde and granddaughter of Gustav Jr. Upon her death, Roedde House Museum was named a beneficiary of her estate and the monies were placed with the Vancouver Foundation. While the capital is protected, the Vancouver Foundation provides income from its Roedde House Preservation Society (RHPS) Fund to help sustain the Museum’s operations.
We hope that Cydney’s generosity will inspire others to follow her example by remembering Roedde House during their estate planning with the Vancouver Foundation. There can be significant tax savings in providing such a benefit. The Foundation accepts donations directly to the RHPS Fund and will issue receipts for the purpose of the Income Tax Act.